How Do I Wean My Baby or Toddler?

How do I Wean My Baby or Toddler?

Ready to wean but not sure how to go about it? These tips are a great place to start!

Some can work on their own, but the best approach will probably be a combination of methods. These are all gradual weaning methods, which are beneficial because they allow your supply to gradually decrease, so you can avoid clogged ducts. If you wean more quickly, you’ll want to express a little milk for comfort, to avoid clogged ducts or mastitis.

Don't Offer, Don't Refuse

Don't offer nursing, but don't say no when they ask. Hopefully they'll slow down on there own. This is a good place to start for slow and gentle weaning, though it may not work on its own.

Replace Nursing Sessions with Solids

If they ask to nurse, offer a cup of milk, water or juice or another snack they enjoy.

This is especially helpful if they're still getting a lot of their nutrition from nursing and possibly asking to nurse out of hunger.

Distract and postpone

You can reduce nursing sessions by offering a distraction, like an activity they enjoy, to push nursing off until later. Some parents find that their little ones are easier to distract out of the house, so outings can be helpful too.

Don't be caught sitting down

Designate a nursing spot and only nurse there.

Only sit down there when you're willing to nurse. When you're not willing to nurse, stay away from that spot!

Change routines

If you always nurse at certain times of day, like first thing in the morning or right after preschool, change your routine!

Count Down

Shorten nursing sessions by counting down from or up to 10. You can count as fast or slow as you want and it can be longer or shorter each time. Talk about it beforehand, so they know what to expect and offer rewards when they cooperate.

Offer Rewards

Set whatever boundaries you want and then offer rewards when they comply. You can do a large toy in exchange for completely weaning or giving up a favourite nursing session. Or a sticker chart for smaller boundaries, like delaying or counting down.

Need more help, guidance or reassurance along the way? Schedule an Infant Feeding Consult with Avie!