Posts tagged Weaning
How Do I Wean My Baby or Toddler?

Ready to wean but not sure how to go about it? These tips are a great place to start!

Some can work on their own, but the best approach will probably be a combination of methods. If you can, it’s usually best to wean gradually, so that your supply can gradual decrease, to avoid clogged ducts. If you wean more quickly, you’ll want to express a little milk for comfort, to avoid clogged ducts or mastitis.

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When Should I Wean My Baby?

Weaning is part of every single nursing experience, and there are so many opinions on the best time to do it!

Breastfeeding is a relationship, and like all relationships, both parties need to be happy and want to continue. With that in mind, I believe that the very best time to wean is when either you OR your baby are ready.

According to Biocultural Anthropologist, Kathy Dettwyler, "most children stop breastfeeding by themselves between three and five years, if allowed to nurse as long as they want."

But what if you don’t want to nurse for 3 to 5 years? What if you’re pregnant or have a medical reason to stop or you’re just ready to be done? Then that’s a perfectly good reason to stop too.

Whenever the time comes when you or your baby feel ready, then it’s the perfect time to wean!

What if you don’t want to wean but are feeling pressure to stop nursing?

Here are some common reasons for weaning, and why they don’t necessarily mean you NEED to wean, if you aren’t ready to.

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