How to Use a Baby Carrier (It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3!)

There are several different kinds of baby carriers on the market today, and each one works a little differently. It can seem daunting to use any baby carrier, but all carriers, no matter how different they seem, are put on by following exactly the same steps. By following these steps, putting on a baby carrier is as easy as 1, 2, 3!


Step 1: Prepare Your Carrier

No matter what carrier you’re using, you have to set it up before putting baby in. This includes making adjustments to get it sized properly for your body, your baby and the carry you’ll be doing. Some carriers go onto your body at this point, others go onto your baby in preparation for going onto your body in the next step.

Ring Sling

  • Size the carrier against your body.

  • Make sure fabric is spread evenly through the rings.

  • Put it on over your head, with rings on the shoulder opposite where you want to hold baby.

  • Bunch up the fabric, so it’s like a rope.

Soft Structured Carrier

  • Loosen all straps.

  • Adjust carrier to fit your baby/get baby into infant insert/have infant insert ready to go.

  • Make sure the carrier is properly adjusted for the carry you plan to do.

  • Fasten the waistband around your natural waist and, if doing a back carry, put one shoulder strap on.

Meh Dai

  • Cinch or uncinch the base of the panel to fit your baby and support him from knee to knee.

  • Tie waistband around your natural waist with a double knot and, if doing a back carry, put one shoulder strap on.

Stretchy Wrap

  • Wrap around your body and bunch all the fabric, so it looks like three ropes.

Woven Wrap

  • Start to wrap around your body or full wrap around your body or put over baby’s back, in preparation for bringing both to your body in the next step. Which of these you do will depend on the carry you’re doing.

Step 2: Bring Baby to Your Body

If the carrier is on your body already, bring baby onto your chest in the position you want to hold him in the carrier and then bring the carrier up and over baby’s body. Or bring baby with the carrier onto your body and wrap around your baby.

Ring Sling

  • Bring baby onto your chest or hip.

  • Bring baby’s legs through the carrier, so it rests in the crook of her knees and baby’s knees are above her bum.

  • Pull the carrier up and over baby’s back.

Soft Structured Carrier

  • Bring baby to your body, with her bum flush with the top of the waistband.

  • Spread the panel up and over baby’s back.

  • Put on shoulder straps and fasten all buckles.

Meh Dai

  • Bring baby to your body, with the waistband and some of the panel between the two of you.

  • Spread the panel up and over baby’s back.

  • Bring the shoulder straps over your shoulders.

Stretchy Wrap

  • Place baby on your body, bring legs through the diagonal fabric bands and position baby with knees above bum.

  • Spread these bands over baby, from knee to knee, covering both shoulders and up to the base of baby’s neck.

  • Bring baby’s legs through the horizontal band and spread out over baby’s back.

Woven Wrap

  • Put baby in and/or finish wrapping around baby or bring baby to body and wrap around baby, depending on what carry you’re doing.

Step 3: Tighten

It can be tempting to skip this step or rush through it, but proper tightening ensures that you’re comfortable and that your baby is in a safe position. Different carriers tighten in different ways, but this is a crucial step for almost every baby carrier.

Ring Sling

  • Go through the sling in thirds lengthwise and pull all slack towards the rings.

  • Pull slack through the rings.

Soft Structured Carrier

  • Tighten any loose straps by pulling the webbing towards the direction where it come from.

Meh Dai

  • Pull up on the shoulder straps, removing all slack from the straps and the back panel.

  • Cross-Cross the straps over your back and bring them around the front to tie a double knot over baby’s bum.

Stretchy Wrap

  • Pull all slack through in thirds on both ends of the fabric, bring it towards the knot and re-tie your double knot.

Woven Wrap

  • Tighten as you wrap.

  • Pull all slack through in thirds on both ends of the fabric, bring it towards the knot and re-tie your double knot.

  • In a carry with a slip knot, pull all slack toward and through the slip knot.

That’s all there is to it! Remove your carrier by simply reversing these steps.

Still confused or having trouble using your baby carry? No worries! Schedule a private consult with Avie Herman to see these three simple steps in action and learn how to use any baby carrier comfortably and confidently.